Township vs. State Roads

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The Penn Township Public Works Department is responsible for all road maintenance to township roads, parks, basins/drainage, traffic lights and all township owned vehicles and buildings. They are also responsible for snow removal on township roads during the winter months.


PennDOT District 8 is responsible for State Road maintenance, signage, mowing, and snow plowing within the Township. The following is a list of roads that are state roads maintained by PennDOT:

  1. Interstate 81
  2. Centerville Road/Rt 233
  3. Ritner Highway/Rt 11
  4. Walnut Bottom Road/ Rt 174
  5. Pine Road/Rt 3006
  6. Hays Grove Road/Rt3011
  7. Mount Rock Road/Rt 3015
  8. Station Road/Rt3013

The above listed roads will also require driveway permits from the PennDOT District 8 Cumberland County office.

PennDOT District 8 – Cumberland County Office

40 Army Heritage Drive
P.O. Box 624
Carlisle, PA 17013
Office Phone: 717-243-5414
Permits: 717-243-5414, ext. 315
