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Vince Elbel – (717) 263-6120
An application is required for a new septic system or for a repair to a malfunctioning system. The application forms are multiple copies and numbered sequentially, therefore they are not available online. Please call the township office to make an appointment to sign the form and pay the fee or request a form by mail.
Application for a new or existing building lot – $375.00
Application fee includes deep probe evaluations, and one percolation test for conventional type systems. If soils are marginal, DEP requires a second perc test.
Additional perc test is $200.00
Application for repair/modification permit – $275.00
Application fee covers a site investigation, permit and final inspection.
Fee does not include any soil testing. Soil testing fees will be based on the Township’s current rate.
Application for new or existing building lot utilizing alternate types of systems/no perc test required – $225.00
Application for holding tank – $250.00
Application fee covers a site investigation, permit and final inspection.
Fee does not include any soil testing, or if an additional interim inspection is needed.
Permit fee for single family residence – $275.00
Includes design review, permit, interim inspection and final inspection.
Permit fee to transfer or renew expired permit – $150.00
Application fee covers a site investigation and reissuance of expired permit.
*Any additional work performed will be charged based on the Township’s current approved SEO fee schedule.