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SR 233 Corridor Info & How to Help Bring Awareness to Traffic Issues

Posted September 26, 2024

The I-81 Interchange and the Rt 11 intersection on the 233 Corridor are and have been two of the Township’s biggest road safety concerns and renovation priorities. However, we are limited in what we are able to accomplish as Rt 11, Rt 233 and I-81 are all State Roads that are owned by PennDOT.

While Penn Township owns and is responsible to maintain traffic signals, timing changes are not something the Township can simply have its signal maintenance contractors go out and do. PennDOT requires a Road Safety Study to be completed by a Traffic Engineer to determine whether the timing change is warranted by their standards and regulations. The required traffic study is reviewed by PennDOT and who has to give official approval to allow the timing change.

Penn DOT conducted a Road Safety Audit (RSA) of the 233 Corridor from Rt 11 to the Pine Road in March of 2023. Penn Township, Penn Township Volunteer Fire Department, Big Spring School District and other local stakeholders were invited to participate and provide feedback. This traffic study included traffic signal timing, road signage, crash data, turning lane deficiencies and all other aspects of commuter and road safety. Penn DOT is tracking the many concerns and issues that affect the 233 Corridor on a daily basis. They have already taken action on many of the short-term findings. Below is a list of the medium-term and long-term findings and cost estimates based on 2023 rates/pricing.

The 2023 RSA report listed the following cost estimates for the US 11 & SR 233 Intersection:

  • Medium-term cost estimate – $1,000,000.00 to revised lane striping to provide left turn bays
  • Medium-term cost estimate –  $110,000.00 to revise signal timing and phasing in conjunction with lane reconfiguration to provide protected/permissive left turn phases
  • Long-term cost estimate – $2,410,000.00 to widen all approaches and fully upgrade the traffic signal with full build out of turn lanes, shoulders and signal phasing
  • Long-term cost estimate – $2,900,000.00 to realign and reprofile both SR 233 approaches of the intersection

The 2023 RSA report listed the following cost estimates for the I-81 SB Ramps & SR 233 Intersection:

  • Medium-term cost estimate – $580,000.00 to widen SB off-ramp to tow lanes and update traffic signal accordingly
  • Long-term cost estimate – $430,000.00 to widen radii and land widths at intersection
  • Long-term cost estimate – $980,000.00 to construct left turn lanes on SR 233 NB and I-81 Off Ramp
  • Long-term cost estimate – $12,920,000.00 to reconstruct and update entire interchange to accommodate increased truck volumes (Diverging Diamond design)
  • Long-term cost estimate – $7,100,000.00 to to reconstruct and update entire interchange to accommodate increased truck volumes (Dual Roundabouts design)
  • Long-term cost estimate – $61,660,000.00 to reconstruct overpass and interchange

In recent months, Penn Township has begun discussions with the Cumberland County Planning Department, Harrisburg Area Transportation Study (HATS) staff from the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission and  Penn DOT to work toward a plan that will hopefully map out a short-term, mid-range and long-term solution. Unfortunately, it is a multi-faceted process that is by no means quick or easy. The Penn Township Board of Supervisors continue to advocate for our township, area residents and local commuter safety.



Harrisburg Area Transportation Study (HATS) staff are currently developing the HATS 2050 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), which documents the current status of transportation projects and programs, identifies long-term needs and recommends projects to meet those needs. The HATS 2050 RTP is a long-range plan that sets a framework and priorities for the expenditure of federal transportation funds in Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties over a 25-year period.

At the center of the HATS 2050 RTP is their Project Pipeline Process, which is the method of collecting, analyzing, and prioritizing transportation needs across the region. The beginning of the Project Pipeline Process is their Transportation Needs Form. In addition to their outreach to municipalities, HATS is currently collecting public input for our HATS 2050 RTP, which includes an opportunity to submit a Transportation Needs Form.

Local Residents can Help by taking the Regional Transportation Plan Survey and by submitting the Transportation Needs Form (click the hyperlink) in regard to the Rt 233 Corridor, specifically the Rt 11 Intersection and the I-81 Interchange traffic concerns.

More information, including links to the public survey and Transportation Need Form, is available at our HATS 2050 RTP Public Information webpage.